The archdiocese says Weakland's time is history. "The archdiocese, of course, and the church in general has moved on."
Auxiliary Bishop William Callahan is running the Archdiocese of Milwaukee in the wake of Archbishop Timothy Dolan's departure.
Callahan hopes the book doesn't re-open old wounds. "With all due respect, that was then. This is now. And the church moves on."
If our Archdiocese has moved on, why is its former headquarters for sale to pay settlements of claims from priests molesting children?
If our Archdiocese has moved on, why is it still being sued for fraud from its shuffling abusive priests around?
If our Archdiocese has moved on, why does it have to try to convince potential donors that the Faith In Our Future Trust won't be subject to any future judgments arising out of these abuse claims?
And if our Archdiocese is serious about convincing us it has moved on, why is Bishop Sklba one of the Faith In Our Future trustees? He approved the settlement payment to Paul Marcoux, Church money that Archbishop Weakland had earlier told Marcoux couldn't be paid because it was a sacred trust. Or does moving on just mean moving on to Trust with a capital T?
[Former Archbishop to Move, Write Book
by Mick Trevey, WTMJ-TV 4
(via SNAP)]
See Archbishop Weakland Memoirs to be Released
There is NO BODY in the present administration of the archdiocese of Milwakee who gets it...NO ONE!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd certainly Dolan didn't get it either....they are all thugs!!
Speaking of 'moving on', I would be happy if Bp. Sklba would 'move on'...somewhere...anywhere...
ReplyDeleteHe continues to be a very public reminder of the worst of the Weakland regime. And we don't need his 'memoirs' either!
"See how they love one another"
ReplyDeleteSo harsh, Anonymous 4:25 PM; let's just say they keep trying to stonewall with sand.
ReplyDeleteGOR, perhaps he'd be willing to privately but emphatically explain why your opinion reflects some psychological problem or intellectual limitation of yours.
Anonymous 7:29 AM might be previewing such an explanation. GOR might ask how someone can approve payment of hush money from Church funds without even token public consequences for that decision, and be told it's uncharitable to keep asking just because he never gets an answer.
what strident conservatives seem to miss is the preponderance of teaching forgiveness in the Gospels (Luke- over 100 mentions); and the concomitant criticism of self-righteousness.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 7:29
Anonymous 10:28 AM, are you saying that if one believes that Bishop Sklba made an obvious, and still unacknowledged, misjudgment in approving the $450,000 paid to Mr. Marcoux, forgiveness entails believing in him as a steward of a $100 million trust fund?
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting to note that people of a certain mindset always appeal to ‘love’ when justifiable criticism is leveled at our Episcopal elites. One gets the impression that their definition of ‘love’ is derived from the 60s “All you need is love” mantra, rather than from a true evangelical perspective.
ReplyDeleteWhile St. Paul could pen the beautiful “Love is patient, is kind…” he was not slow to call a spade, a spade - when faced with wrongdoing in the community or wrongheadedness among the other Apostles. St. Catherine of Siena, too, was no slouch when it came to straight talk – even to a Pope. And need we be reminded of Our Lord’s straight talk about the hypocritical Pharisees…?
Bp. Sklba’s complicity in the malfeasance of Ab. Weakland is a continuing blot on this Archdiocese and will remain as long as he remains here.
“Qui tacet, consentit”
GOR, you call for drastic steps, but I note it's apparently a given that even a token acknowledgement of any problem, even by Bishop Sklba himself, is out of the question. To take the Marcoux settlement as the headline issue, it looks like our Archdiocesan leaders continue to stand by it, while trying to avoid calling attention to that fact because of the potential for loss of donations.
ReplyDeleteWhat we have here is a conspiracy...
Has Sklba even acknowledged that he was wrong in allowing the payout? (And it wasn't just the $450,000. dollars but the lawyers fees as well!) If he has, I have missed it. Anyone who has had to deal with the Archdiocese of Milwaukee in any way, knows that nothing has changed.