First topic, the then-upcoming annual meeting of all the Archdiocese's clergy.
We decided that we should definitely talk about the Referenda Group that Steve Avella has convened. They have met once and are developing a strategy to respond to two issues: the Marriage Amendment (which is very complex) and the Death Penalty reinstatement referendum in November. They want to come up with a statement that will address the underlying concerns and fears of Wisconsinites about these issues that ultimately would say these proposals are not the best way to proceed or respond to the situations.
Such a statement would put the priests' union at odds with the states' bishops on the marriage amendment. If priests don't pay attention to bishops, why would they expect parishoners to pay attention to priests?
They then looked back at the March 15, 2006 membership meeting. (Its minutes are not yet posted.)
The second area we want to talk about concerns issues raised by Noreen Welte at our March General Meeting. It seems that the strategies to deal with the decreasing number of priests (and the aging of active ones) are not adequate or helpful. Many priests are experiencing extreme pressure, exhaustion, and continuous frustration in attempting to cope.
Maybe they could save time and effort by using the Church's teachings and practices, instead of coming up with their own.
Chuck Schramm suggested that what we really need for a good Priest Wellness Day is an opportunity to dialogue with Archbishop Dolan concerning these strategies and our lived experiences.
Another time saver would be using English, in which "lived" is understood in the word "experiences".
There was another measurement of the mountain they are making from some canon law molehills in their brochure advising priests what to do when accused.
Somewhat cryptically
Witch Hunt/Seminary/Homosexuality: This Focus Group feels it has accomplished its work with the Dr. Priester Presentation at the March Assembly and the opportunity for interested members to meet with Dr. Priester for subsequent discussion and action. Dr. Priester will be invited to meet with interested members on June 26th or June 27th (depending on his schedule) and Bill Burkert has offered his home for the event.
Back to the referenda.
Legislative Referenda: Steve Avella has convened a Focus Group and they have received materials and have met to discuss the general sense of fear and angst that pervades the populace at this time.
Populace? Didst they look out from their balconies over yon quivering throngs?
Some politicians are using the issues of The Marriage Protection Act and the Death Penalty Reinstatement to divert attention away from the real issues of poverty, health care, education, etc.
One method of diverting attention from an issue is to claim it isn't real.
They are preparing a document and will have it ready by the September General Meeting.
Why don't they just take what the state's bishops have said and cross out the parts they disagree with?
The executive committee's next meeting was set for May 15, 2006 and the next membership meeting September 28, 2006.
good post with some humor, dry and sad but true kind of stuff but still funny, I look forward to voting on the marriage ammdement!