Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Retrieving "A Treasure of Inestimable Value"

Susan Benofy in Adoremus on The Bishops' Subcommittee on Music & the Directory of Music for use in Liturgy
Jubilate Deo, the neglected collection of simple chants for Mass assembled by Pope Paul VI and sent to all the bishops in 1974, should surely be included in any Common Repertoire. Jubilate Deo was accompanied by the pope’s request to bishops:
Would you therefore, in collaboration with the competent diocesan and national agencies for the liturgy, sacred music and catechetics, decide on the best ways of teaching the faithful the Latin chants of Jubilate Deo and of having them sing them, and also of promoting the preservation and execution of Gregorian chant in the communities mentioned above. You will thus be performing a new service for the Church in the domain of liturgical renewal. (Pope Paul VI, Voluntati Obsequens, April 14, 1974)

The Holy Father's request was honored in the breach. Including the Jubilate Deo chants in the proposed Common Repertoire would be a beginning of this "new service" that Pope Paul VI requested more than 30 years ago.

1 comment:

  1. There's actually a chance that it will happen--

    The committee includes some actual, genuine Catholics.
