The Vision/Ministry Planning Process will not be posted on the website until the new Archbishop has an opportunity to review and edit its contents. The deadline for submission of the vision/ministry plans has been moved from June 30, 2010 to June 30, 2011.The program is now called VISION: 21st Century.
After more than 15 years and three cycles of archdiocesan planning initiatives, we find ourselves at the dawn of a new millennium in need of a comprehensive plan for Mission and Ministry. VISION: 21st Century will help us articulate a plan for the Church in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee and chart our course for the 21st century.So by 2011 Archdiocesan planning expects to be ready to look ahead to 2001.
P.S. Looking ahead through this decade, they could have called it VISION: 2020. Even put pupils in the zeroes. And add glasses. Maybe black horn rims like Archbishop Weakland wore in his early official portraits. Next you think "Buddy Cardinal Holly". Then one day you realize you could have substituted "Paul Marcoux" for "Peggy Sue"; it's a slippery slope.
Well if they're really sincere about 'Mission and Ministry', perhaps they should look back a little farther - say, to circa 33 A.D.