Friday, July 3, 2009

Immanuel Kant

In his Critique of Pure Reason he claims that “‘Being’ is evidently not a real predicate,” by which he means that existence is not a property or a feature of a thing. ... And if existence is not a property or feature of things, Anselm’s argument fails: a perfect being has all the perfections, including the properties of being all-good and all-knowing, but not including the property of existing, simply because there is no such property. --Alex Byrne, God: Philosophers weigh in, Boston Review, January/February 2009 (via Arts & Letters Daily)

--James DiGiovanna and Carey Burtt, Kant Attack Ad, YouTube, December 8, 2007

Sapere Aude!, by Anja Steinbauer, Philosophy Now, January/February 2005

History, Reason and Hope: A Comparative Study of Kant, Hayek and Habermas, by Richard B. Day, Humanitas, 2002 No. 2

The discarded Lemon: Kant, prostitution and respect for persons, by Timothy J. Madigan, Philosophy Now, Summer/Autumn 1998

Burke, Kant and the Sublime, by Gur Hirshberg, Philosophy Now, Winter 1994/1995

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