Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Reading Rat October 2007

Articles, Essays, Reviews

Wanted: a national culture by Jonathan Sacks, The Times of London, October 20, 2007

World Digital Library (via Joseph A. Komonchak at dotCommonweal)

Libraries to reopen for profit Matthew Preusch reported in The Oregonian. "After voters rejected a library levy to make up the lost funds, the county opted for outsourcing to cut costs, and last week it approved a contract with Library Systems & Services, the country's largest private operator of public libraries." (via WisBlawg)

The Library Story, City of Franklin, Wisconsin, newsletter October 2007 [8 pp. pdf]

Dr. Librarian: Physician adds literacy to health care mix Katie Dean reports in The Capital Times. "Pediatric resident Dipesh Navsaria has a novel way of measuring his young patients' development during checkups: He puts a book in their hands and watches their reaction. ..." (via WisBlawg)

My Library is Dukedom Enough, with "How to set up your library so that your reading flourishes", posted by TS @ 13:16 October 16, 2007 Video meliora, proboque; Deteriora sequor

Data on Demand, Watchdog blog, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (via WisBlawg)

It's taps for Milwaukee’s old Beer Line, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers and Trainmen

We cannot accept the following books: [pdf] - Magazines (other than food[,] art, architecture or collectible magazines) - Law Books - Reader’s Digest Condensed Books - Removed Library Books - Romance Novels - Damaged Books (mildew, water, fire, ripped ... .) - Encyclopedias that are more than 10 years old [Little City Used Book Sale.]

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