Saturday, September 8, 2007

WCC: EC OK ; and other news

News first, followed by upcoming events

Religion Briefing
From the Sept. 8, 2007 editions of the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, including
"MU using grant to start peacemaking center"
"Marquette University is using a $500,000, four-year grant from the Sally and Terry Rynne Foundation to create a Center for Peacemaking this fall. ...
"The center will be directed by Father G. Simon Harak, a Jesuit who teaches theology at Marquette. He previously worked as the national anti-militarism coordinator for the War Resisters League."
(Previously reported by Daniel Suhr at The Triumvirate.)
John McAdams at Marquette Warrior posted on Harak, a Hard Leftist on Theology Faculty who blogs, but now not under his own name, at Unite and De-militarize. Sidebar includes mailing address for your checks.

Capitol Update September 7, 2007
This Wisconsin Catholic Conference report focuses on a few of the Budget Issues of Concern to the Wisconsin Catholic Conference [2 pp. pdf]. Among New Bills of Interest were:
AB467 Prohibits pharmacist from refusing to fill prescriptions for contraceptives; defines abortion (Birth Control Protection Act)
AB492 and SB252 Requires provision of information about human papillomavirus (HPV) to schools and to parents of pupils in grades 6-12.

Casa Maria Catholic Worker House Newsletter September 2007
Karina's Farewell. "Karina recently moved to Jordan in the Middle East to do peace work and harvest crops with her host family."
Also "What's Needed? vegetables & salad dressing. What's Not Needed? We are not accepting used adult clothing right now."

Testimony Regarding Assembly Bill 377 and Senate Bill 129 [2 pp. pdf]
Presented to the Assembly Committee on Judiciary and Ethics, by Kim Wadas, Associate Director, Wisconsin Catholic Conference. Its position is that AB377 and SB129 requiring providing emergency contraception are consistent with the U.S. Bishops' Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services

News, information manager begins
The Compass, August 31, 2007, reports that Sam Lucero left our Catholic Herald to become news and information manager for the Green Bay Diocese. Maybe, before referring to the diocesan paper as Our Compass, he can have it switch to permanent links for current stories. If he did, this would be the link to this story.

Keeping Minimum Wage Just is Ongoing Responsibility [2 pp. pdf]
"Eye on the Capitol" August 31, 2007, by John Huebscher, Executive Director, Wisconsin Catholic Conference, reiterating support for SB 130, which would raise the state minimum wage to $7.25 per hour.

Kelly Romenesko drops claim against Xavier
Renae Bauer reports in The Compass, August 31, 2007. "In her signed contract, she agreed to uphold the teachings of the Catholic Church. She violated her contract by undergoing in-vitro fertilization, a medical procedure that since the 1980s has contradicted the church's teachings on the natural conception of children." Presumably meaning a medical procedure developed in the 1980s that contradicted the church's teachings. (Link will change to this, I think, when the next issue is published.)

New bishop says he seeks to do the Lord's will
A.M. Kelley reports in the Superior Catholic Herald on what I hope isn't news in the Diocese of Superior.

CUF Milwaukee September 2007 Newsletter
isn't posted yet, but the hard copy says "The 'Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary' will be celebrated with a 2:00 p.m. Mass on Sunday, September 9, at the St. Francis Seminary Chapel, 3257 S. Lake Drive (use parking at rear of building). Fr. Don Hying will celebrate the Mass. There will be a Rosary Procession and Benediction. The afternoon will conclude with cake and coffee."

CUF Milwaukee September 2007 Newsletter
hard copy also says "A Solemn Pontifical High Mass in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite[*] will be celebrated at St. Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr Church [stats D14 4th 57%], South 5th Street and Historic Mitchell Street, at 7:00 p.m. on Friday, September 14 ... by Most Reverend Joseph N. Perry, D.D. ... Auxiliary Bishop of Chicago ... [*meaning] according to the Latin Tridentine, the Missal of Bl. John the XXIII. ..."

Out of the Desert...In To the Water
"The Wisconsin Catholic Charismatic Conference, sponsored by the Renewal leadership in the 5 dioceses of Wisconsin, will be held" September 14-16 at the Green Lake Conference Center in Green Lake, Wisconsin.

2nd Annual Women’s Convocation
"Join other women of the Milwaukee Archdiocese for a day of Prayer, on September 22. A Keynote Address (by the Rev. Dr. Trinette McCray), Conversation Cafe (a process of mutual sharing), and networking on subjects of interest to women. The day includes lunch and a bookstore will be available. ... The convocation will be held at Cardinal Stritch University, Sr. Camille Kliebhan Conference Center ..."

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