Friday, September 21, 2007

Catholics must acknowledge 'war is defeat for humanity'

says Mark Peters in a Guest Opinion in yesterday's edition of our Catholic Herald. Only the print edition, alas.

I don't know who is asserting war is a victory for humanity, or even that it's a close call one way or the other. The issues are more specific, for example, whether withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq would result in genocidal violence. If one believes that's the more likely outcome, is withdrawing the troops moral? Mr. Peters acknowledges that this concern exists but wastes the opportunity to address it.
As far as those experts, they're the same one's that got us into this mess.

That's a line that might come in handy, say during this next round of Archdiocesan planning, but I digress.
The simple and irrefutable fact is that whether or not there will be a bloodbath after we leave, there is one now.

This appears to be an assertion that thing are unlikely to get worse if U.S. troops leave. If he has anything to support that assertion, this op-ed would be the time and place to detail it, but he doesn't bother.

The piece omits from his identifying information that he's a Parish Consultant for the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. Perhaps it was thought that would undermine his credibility.


  1. Perhaps Mr Peters should become an 'embedded reporter' to learn something NOT published by

    I'm not enamored of the situation in Iraq now, nor of "forcing democracy" around the globe.

    But then, would Mr. Peters prefer Saddam Hussein's "vision"? Or that of the Mohammedans now raping and pillaging Sudan?

  2. "would Mr. Peters prefer Saddam Hussein's 'vision'?"

    Well, in 2000, Mr. Peters was involved in this Archdiocesan program [15 pp. pdf] advocating lifting the sanctions against Iraq. But, then, so was Bishop Sklba.

  3. I don't know who is asserting war is a victory for humanity, or even that it's a close call one way or the other.

    Thank you! Eggs-actly.

    It's almost like:

    "The necessity of having police is a defeat for humanity."
