Monday, February 19, 2007

West Allis parish closes peacefully

I don't know what the headline writer was expecting. Alan J. Borsuk reports in today's Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. Mary Help of Christians parish in West Allis closed with, among other things,
Bishop Richard Sklba evoking memories of all of life's passages, from baptisms to funerals, marked in the sanctuary of the Catholic church, and with his entreaty to deal with the church's closing in a positive frame of mind.

They responded positively, if resignation counts as positive.
The congregation at the 9 a.m. Mass was around 250, nearly filling the church. That was about five times the typical recent Sunday morning, some members said.

1 comment:

  1. The capacity of the church with the pews filled (but no one standing) is around 400.

    Plus about 35-40 in the choir loft.

