Sunday, February 18, 2007

Funeral Mass of Fr. David Meinholz

Our pastor's funeral was last Tuesday morning. Though I've seen more people at Mass on Christmas or Easter, I've never had to park so far away. While the parish had a video camera for a feed to the overflow crown in the Community Room, I don't know if the Mass was recorded. Nothing from the Mass is posted at the parish web site. (There are some letters of condolence in today's bulletin [5 pp. pdf].) I took a pocket video camera to try to unobtrusively record some of the Mass.

The entrance procession included dozens of priests and all three of Milwaukee's bishops.

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Father Meinholz's good friend, Father Charles Schramm of St. Mary Church Catholic Faith Community in Hales Corners, gave the homily. Some years back Fr. Meinholz was to be assigned as Assistant Pastor to Fr. Schramm at St. Sebastian Church. Fr. Schramm told of their lunch meeting to discuss this.

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From the Eucharistic Prayer, here's The Lord's Supper.

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Archbishop Dolan had Bishop Sklba and Archbishop-emeritus Weakland say parts of the prayers For The Church. Father Meinholz would have mentioned Archbishop Weakland specifically, but Archbishop Weakland did not.

At the conclusion of Mass, a younger and older Meinholz brother gave eulogies. The older brother turns out to be a fellow-parishioner, and spoke of Fr. Meinholz both as brother and pastor. Fr. Meinholz saw the huge potential of our huge parish. He did not live to awaken this "sleeping giant", but his brother hoped his death would serve to do so. What was needed, he said, was more from parishioners than just the weekly check.

(If only our parish's problems were that small.)

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