Phase I will include a new chapel built in what is currently a parking lot on the southeast side of the property, the tear down of a former Jesuit residence to build a new south addition with classrooms on the southwest side of the property and improvements to the athletic facilities.
The school had a large chapel that it converted to other uses decades ago. It later built a much smaller chapel in the usual sideways form, i.e., a rectangular space but with the altar on one of the long sides rather than at one end. The new chapel, I suspect, will be similar in size to the old chapel that was eliminated, but arranged like the newer chapel.
Phase II will be approximately $5 million that will renovate the third-floor gymnasium in the main building into classrooms, remodel the guidance and reception areas and upgrade the science labs and science rooms, which are still in their original state from 1925.
Which leaves me wondering why the old gym couldn't have been converted, rather than the old chapel.
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