Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Prodigal son, father get musical treatment

Amy Trumble reports in the, I mean "our", Catholic Herald. She begins
The prodigal son is a familiar biblical figure, but who is the prodigal father?

From people I know and reading blogs, the prodigal father is a twist on the interpretation of this parable which had quickly spread from coast-to-coast. Specifically,
as Jeff Honore, 49, director of liturgical music at St. Matthias Parish, pointed out, "the one who is really prodigal is the father." The term prodigal, generally associated with being extremely wasteful, can also mean extremely generous.

So the metaparable is that of the equivocal homilist.

The article, though, is more specifically about the production of the musical Lost and Found at St. Matthias.

"It has the flavor of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat," said [parishioner and stage director Mary Beth] Topf. "Modern music set in biblical times."

Like Mass at many parishes.

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