Sunday, February 19, 2006

MAPA Convening Board December 13, 2005

Our local priests' union's executive committee has posted the minutes of its meeting of December 13, 2005 [pdf].

The account of the business meeting started with this, apparently on the recent instruction on homosexual seminarians.

We evaluated our process of "up/down balloting" re: Commendation of Gay Priests and Lay Leaders. Tom Heinen of the Journal/Sentinel staff said that he though [sic] the statement would not be printed because it did not actually quote the document from the Vatican.

I didn't know reporters also acted as media consultants for the organizations that they cover. The "Commendation" was referred to a committee which was to meet at the Cousins Center January 5, 2006.

On the questions about their flyer

A motion was made to send a letter drafted by Ken Mich to Fr. Paul Hartmann. It basically stated that we were not at this time entertaining the possibility of meeting with him or working on a re-write and re-publication of the document: Protecting Your Rights as a Priest, a Practical Guide.

Priests may toil from sun to sun, but a webmasters work is never done.
We have discussed the possibility of getting some issues out in front of the membership for discussion/action through our website. Steve Amann was asked to get the Alliance Bulletin Board Website cleared off; and then Dave Cooper would post a listing of topics and descriptions and notify the membership by email that guys should check out the website listings. The membership would be invited to comment and share opinions and state priorities. Among the issues was the new proposed legislation banning Gay Marriage in Wisconsin.

Their site formerly had a public discussion board and a private chat room. If their comments and opinions will be on the public board, that might make for interesting reading.

In committee reports

Generations of Priests - Ken Mich reported only one response so we would need to rework this item or re-include it in the items on the website.

Maybe this means younger priests are wary of MAPA.
Vatican Document on Homosexual Candidates for priesthood - group being formed.

In other reports, what looks rather like a religious ed. counterpart to MAPA is misapplying the same management techniques.
A reminder was given to Dave Cooper to email an invitation to the Open Space Meeting for Priests and Directors of Religious Education sponsored by MAREDA. The meeting was for January 17th.

They took no position on changing the age for Confirmation.

Next MAPA board meeting January 9, 2005. Minutes presumably will have to be approved at the meeting after that before posting on their web site.


  1. Anonymous1:56 AM

    Some may feel squeamish about eating it, but rabbit has a fan base that grows as cooks discover how easy they are to raise — and how good the meat tastes.

  2. Cue "Kill the wabbit!"
