Friday, April 30, 1999

Reading Rat - April 1999

"Once a bishop is appointed to a particular see, he must generally and in principle stay there for ever": In this interview Cardinal Bernardin Gantin, Dean of the Sacred College, calls for a return to the ancient practice and rule of stable episcopal appointments, interview by by Gianni Cardinale, 30Days

This [below] is a placeholder post linking to this month's entries in the pre-Blogger format.



[Isaiah] Berlin was insistent that the most monstrous crimes of the twentieth century have been committed on behalf of ideas that, in the abstract, sound most attractive. Marx and Freud, he argued, were both too eager to champion a version of what Rousseau had once said was "forcing" people to be "free." Berlin stood for calling a spade a spade; he distinguished liberty from other possible values, such as justice or equality. Intellectuals who recklessly play around with ideas could end up, like Heidegger, as proponents of Hitler.

--Paul Roazen, "An Effervescent Thinker," review of Isaiah Berlin: A Life, by Michael Ignatieff, in The American Scholar, Spring 1999, p. 154


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