Tuesday, December 1, 1998

December 1998

This is a placeholder post linking to this month's entries in the pre-Blogger format.


'Twas Glenn Knight before Christmas

'Twas Glenn Knight before Christmas,

Thinking what to say

To fill up his quota

Of posts for the day,

When what should appear

In surplice and alb

Through mirror dot org's connection:

A virtual Jeff Kalb.

Glenn said

> Into my plans

> You're throwing a wrench.

> Can't you just instead

> Go see Harold French?

>> Now Glenn, reconsider.

>> To you I send *Hope,

>> Crossing the Threshold of*,

>> And it's signed by the Pope!

> Can't I pick my own gift?

> I'll exchange yours for money.

>> You can in twelve days

>> On your own Epiphany,

>> When one Weismann will come

>> From out of the East

>> (side of Chicago)

> With more gifts on his beast?

>> Camel? He might smoke

>> But not ride as of old;

>> No frankincense, myrrh,

>> Jay the only Gold.

>> He'll bring you the gift

>> Of Great Ideas dialogue:

>> His Mortimer Adler

>> Mail order catalog.

>> But my work here is done.

>> "See" you in the Cafe.

>> My next stop is Zaheer's

>> So I'm off to L. A.

But Glenn heard Jeff exclaim

As they signed off the site,

>> Merry Christmas to all

>> And to all a good night.

--Edward De Vere



My niece Aimee graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of Wisconsin--Milwaukee and we went to a reception for her at Switzers on 51st and Howard, a favorite of her father, my brother Mike.



President Clinton Explains Iraq Strike




Dr. Kathryn Morgan, of the University of Toronto, spoke on "Revisiting Dr. Frankenstein: Gender, Bio-Technology, and the Creation of Human Artifacts," as part of the 1998-1999 Colloquium Series, Department of Philosophy, Marquette University.




Dinesh D'Souza, John M. Olin Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, spoke on "Ronald Reagan: How an Ordinary Man Became an Extraordinary Leader," at a Luncheon presented by the Wisconsin Forum.


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