Wednesday, April 1, 1998

April 1998

This is a placeholder post linking to this month's entries in the pre-Blogger format.


Lovin' that oven!

This morning's newspaper had this article about the Kenner Easy-Bake Oven, which unexpectedly contained the following.

Karen Berres, 46, of Franklin, said she wanted an Easy-Bake Oven so badly when she was 11, that she tried to invent one with a metal storage cabinet and a light bulb unscrewed from a lamp shade. (Don't try this at home, kids.)

She snitched ingredients to secretly make brownies. "I utilized the similar-color method of ingredient substitution for eggs by putting two egg-size chunks of butter in the batter," she said, explaining that her mother would have missed the requisite eggs.

After several hours of not-very-patient scrutiny, little seemed to be happening. "The heat, if any was indeed created, was dissipated by my constant need to open the door and see if anything had occurred."

Finally, Berres conceded that the brownies had baked as much as they could, and she shared the slightly warm goop with her brother, "who had taken a casual interest in this project because it might lead to something edible."




Jean-Loup Dherse spoke on "Laity Preparing for the Millenium: If Not Us -- Who?" at a breakfast presented by The Peter Favre Forum at The University Club.




Sacred Signs and Active Participation at Mass: What Do These Actions Mean, and Why Are They So Important? by The Rev. Cassian Folsom, OSB

I have often thought, contemplating a page of the Talmud, that it bears a certain uncanny resemblance to a home page on the Internet, where nothing is whole in itself but where icons and text-boxes are doorways through which visitors pass into an infinity of cross-referenced texts and combinations.

--Jonathan Rosen, "The Talmud and the Internet," The American Scholar, Spring 1998, p. 50


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