Aquinas Leadership International
Selections at the blog Conference Calendar page
Calendar for selected Book discussions groups
Fall Literary Luncheon, Franklin Public Library Foundation, featuring Lauren Fox, author of Send for Me, October 13
J.R.R. Tolkien: The Art of the Manuscript, Haggerty Museum of Art, Marquette University, September 23-25, October 8, September 30 & October 11, November 5
Articles, Essays, Reviews
Where Do the Democrats Find These Guys? A personal history of electoral losses, by Caitlin Flanagan, The Atlantic
How the Claremont Institute Became a Nerve Center of the American Right, by Elisabeth Zerofsky, The New York Times
Why Is Everyone Talking About the Claremont Institute? by Josh Hammer, Newsweek
Where Did Wokeness Come From? Evaluating the theories, by Theodore Kupfer, City Journal
Bob Newhart Reveals the Greatest Moment in His Comedy Career, by Amy Spencer, Parade
Teaching Freedom - To Restore Liberty, We Need Colleges that Actually Teach Liberal Arts, guest Marsha Enright, The Brian Nichols Show
Rembert Weakland, Proud Vandal, by John Byron Kuhner, First Things
Do the math: Was Archbishop Rembert Weakland a flawed hero or an erudite heretic? by Terry Mattingly, Get Religion
Mikhail Gorbachev has died: The last leader of the Soviet Union was also the architect of its dissolution; Obituary, The Economist;
Mikhail Gorbachev's Pizza Hut commercial — now used in memes and history lessons — cost millions to make and paid the former Soviet leader much-needed cash, by Azmi Haroun, Insider
Will a Long-Dead Milwaukee Socialist’s Case Help Block Trump’s Return to Power? The ouster of Congressman Victor Berger has become a pivotal but troubling precedent in litigation against accused insurrectionists, by Larry Sandler, Milwaukee Magazine
The Failed Dream of Mikhail Gorbachev: The late Soviet premier is popularly regarded as a leader who ushered in a new era. The more complicated truth is that he failed to fully extricate himself from the old one. By Casey Michel, The New Republic
Hear us Roar: Interviews with Women's fiction writers, Hosted by Maggie Smith, Apple Podcasts
The Ordinary Lawyer Corpus: The Federalist Papers Approach, by Sandra Thorne, J.D. Candidate, Harvard Law School Class of 2023, Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, Vol. 45, No. 2, Spring 2022
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