Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Stritch in time

Our Archdiocesan weekly reports that district president of Wells Fargo Bank’s southeastern Wisconsin retail and business banking operations Kent Bergemann named interim president at Cardinal Stritch. The position was open, as the Herald reported last week, when Helen Sobehart, Stritch president submits resignation.
Bergemann is treasurer and finance committee chair for Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee...

Bringing in someone with a financial background indicates financial problems at Cardinal Stritch University, reinforced by bringing him in but not saying that's why.

P.S. A stitch for Stritch: Sujata Sachdeva, the Koss executive accused of embezzling more than $4.5 million, "is on the board of trustees of Cardinal Stritch University", among other local organizations.

1 comment:

  1. Ya think?

    They've been in 'expansion mode' for several years and likely spent a bunchabucks on the Brewery site (and runups to the purchase of the old Minor Sem) when The Crash happened.

    Even Harvard took a $1.XBn loss on its endowment...
