Friday, July 17, 2009

Sunday Mass: What People Want

While Bishop of Youngstown, Thomas Tobin wrote this column about attending Sunday Mass "undercover" on vacation.
Whenever I join the rank-and-file, it’s amazing how quickly I assume the characteristics of what might be considered the “typical Catholic.” I planned my schedule so I wouldn’t arrive at church too early. I sat toward the back of the church to avoid special involvement. I complained, at least mentally, about the length of the sermon. I was dismayed to learn there would be a second collection —- and yes, I did pry open my wallet to contribute to both! And I was appropriately irritated by the log jam of traffic in the parking lot after Mass.

Forget my need for “full, active and conscious participation.” I was on vacation. I wanted something short, sweet and to the point, just enough to fulfill my Sunday obligation.

"Without a Doubt" column, Catholic Exponent, September 1, 2000 (via Cathleen Kaveny at dotCommonweal)


  1. "I wanted something short, sweet and to the point, just enough to fulfill my Sunday obligation."

    Well of course he could have celebrated a 'private' Mass in the Extraordinary Form, ad orientem and dispensed with preaching a sermon to the altar boy!

  2. At least he gets points for honesty.
