Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mutter et Magisterium

Archbishop Weakland's memoirs recount (pp. CCCXLV-CCCXLVII) how, magna non sine difficultate, he gave religiosum voluntatis et intellectus obsequium, per Lumen Gentium XXV, to Ordinatio sacerdotalis.
Obedience to the magisterium, the teaching authority in the Church, was the most difficult part of being a Catholic, but also the rock of security. I observed too many squabbles among Christian churches because there was no ultimate authority that could break through the disputes with the final word. But I acknowledge that what is for us Catholics our strongest asset, namely the hierarchical teaching authority, is also, at times, our most burdensome and most confounding belief. (p. 347)

Or, one might say, a bishop ought to keep in mind what it's like to take hierarchy when he's dishing it out.


  1. Yes...the 'transitive' nature of obedience, indeed.

    He's not alone in ignoring the glaring problem of demanding "obedience" while flouting Roman direction, but he certainly is one of the most spectacular practitioners.

  2. So I guess 'leading by example' didn't occur to him...?

    Or St. Paul's admonition: "Be ye imitators of me as I am of Christ"...?

    Of course you need to set the example first, before you can enjoin adherence. So "Do as I say and not as I do" rings pretty hollow.

    Cue echoes of sounding brass and tinkling cymbals...
