Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Joel Osteen and Timothy Dolan both like to talk

Gary Stern of The Journal News interviewed Joel Osteen who will appear at Yankee Stadium April 25th. The topic of New York's new archbishop, Timothy Dolan, came up.
Osteen simply mentioned that about a third of the 40,000 people who attend his Lakewood Church on Sundays are "Catholics or former Catholics."

Dolan is at least curious about evangelical megachurches, as he called them at a press conference on Wednesday. These churches appear to be growing, he said, because they preach the Bible and the teachings of Jesus with "vigor and clarity." He wondered whether Catholic churches are doing the same.

They aren't, at least according to what a former co-worker who is a member of Elmbrook Church said to me about the most common reason Catholics gave for attending there. If that's the case, it would indicate a need to evaluate parish religious education and homiletics. On the other hand, if one assumes that Catholics really just go to megachurches to be entertained, expect parishes to instead emphasize liturgical production values.

(via Video meliora, proboque; Deteriora sequor)


  1. "Megachurch entertainment styles" have been pushed in a number of suburban parishes--including "greeters" modeled on the Elmbrook folks, and of course, the band/production number entertainment.

    So far, no huge vid-screens.

    While RC preaching and teaching is usually somnolent, the real reason Catholics depart the Church usually lies a few inches beneath the beltline: either 'the Pill' or divorce/remarriage.

  2. "So far, no huge vid-screens."

    Actually, there's a large drop down screen at St. Al's, though we see it in use almost as seldom as we see the Crucifix.

    "either 'the Pill' or divorce/remarriage."

    Maybe we should have seating classes like on an airline.
