Sunday, February 15, 2009

In the Spotlight: Tim in the Square

Rocco Palmo at Whispers in the Loggia uses the continuing speculation that Archbihop Dolan might be appointed Archbishop of New York to look at his approach to the Church in
any perceptions that a Dolan selection would signal a "soft" line on hot-button questions could use a bit more context.

He's sought to keep the initiative relatively quiet, but the media-friendly prelate's preferred means of interaction with public officials is a twice-yearly seminar he leads on church teaching in public life, to which all officeholders in the Milwaukee area are invited.

The Pallium Lecture series.
In speaking of the sessions behind-the-scenes, the archbishop's relished the chance to be able to dig in as a teacher and present the Magisterium both affirmatively and without the backdrop of public controversy -- but with the added coup of avoiding the misperceptions that often come with said firestorms and the coverage thereof. What's more, the practical advantage is just as beneficial, as the programs allow relationships to be built where, when difficulties do arise, tensions can be handled personally and constructively, away from the pulpit and press releases.

(via Robert P. Imbelli at dotCommonweal)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Ha...sounds like Dolan's way of doing nothing!
