Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Married Catholic priest and wife getting ready for move to Pewaukee area

Tom Heinen follows up last Saturday's report (see this earlier post) at his Articles of Faith weblog. What positions might Father Michael Scheip take as a married minister who converted and was then ordained? Besides associate pastor at a parish,
...Archbishop Dolan also is considering other possible ministries for Scheip that range from teaching in a Catholic school to assisting married couples at the Metropolitan Tribunal, an archdiocesan court that deals primarily with requests for marriage annulments, archdiocesan spokeswoman Julie Wolf said today
What about parish pastor, now or eventually?
The late Pope John Paul II created an exception in 1980 that allows married Protestant ministers who have converted to Roman Catholicism from various denominations to become priests. They function as priests, including assisting in parishes, but cannot be parish pastors, Wolf said.

What was his former denomination?
he was a minister in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

Why the move here?
because [Fr. Scheip's wife Mary] Mercurio was promoted to human resources director for KHS USA, a packaging machinery company with its headquarters in Waukesha.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:51 PM

    I think this is a great idea and hope it forges the way for more married men in the priesthood.
