Thursday, May 1, 2008

Pilot parishes key to campaign's $16.7 million start

Brian T. Olszewski reported in "our" Milwaukee Catholic Herald, March 6, 2008, on the first stage of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee's $105 million Faith In Our Future capital campaign.
As of Feb. 25, according to the archdiocesan development office, revenue raised in 12 pilot parishes and through major gifts totaled $16,770,229. Donations have come from 4,937 people. Collectively, the pilots have raised 90 percent of their combined benchmarks.

Results were mixed at the individual parishes examined in more detail.

1 comment:

  1. I would think that the results would be mixed. This campaign seems like they are trying to raise money for the sake of raising money, I mean Catholic education. It's a waste of time and energy when the Archdiocese just had to eliminate over 30 jobs. Maybe more emphasis should be put on the Stewardship Appeal.
