Thursday, September 6, 2007

CPJ Newsletter September 2007

Milwaukee's Catholics for Peace and Justice posted its newsletter for September 2007. [7 pp. pdf]

They have a prayer service tonight at 7:00 p.m. at St. Catherine Church [stats D12 2nd 42%]. "Child of the sixties" Fr. Jack Kern will preside.

They have a General Meeting set for Saturday morning to "share your thoughts and ideas on how we can 'Make a Difference' together."

Their "Stop the War Group" [committee] is calling for what sounds like an anti-war surge over the next three weeks.
Very soon after the release of the Petraeus report, Congress will vote to authorize Iraq funding for the next 12 months. If they give the President what he wants, the occupation will in all likelihood continue until he leaves office in 2009.

CPJ's strategic problem:
Even many strongly opposed to the invasion over four years ago and highly critical of the administration's handling of the war are now showing signs of buying the administration's arguments that a "bloodbath" will result if we leave anytime soon.

For example, even if one believed it was wrong to invade and occupy Iraq, one might believe it wrong to withdraw now if one believes that would result in genocidal violence. Despite what's at stake, CPJ dismisses this as "buying the administration's arguments" rather than responding substantively to this concern.

They note an upcoming private meeting with Democratic Congressman Gwen Moore and public meetings scheduled by Republican Congressman James Sensenbrenner.

They have an anti-war bumper sticker available. And you're invited to Help Create a Central Park in Milwaukee! (They mean a Central Park, not a central park.)

1 comment:

  1. Yeah the biggest clue that the anti-war folks were disingenuous from the get-go is the fact that they're now fine with pulling out and letting a widescale slaughter ensue. Humanitarians they're not.
