Monday, August 20, 2007

True hospitality means welcoming immigrant

Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan in the "Herald of Hope" column in our Catholic Herald.
Check the blogs, tune-in to talk-radio, listen even to some of our politicians: the year-long debate on immigration reform has unleashed another wave of Nativist, hateful bigotry, mostly against our Latino neighbors, who want nothing more than what my great-great grandfather from County Cavan wanted: freedom, a job, a chance, a united family.

But without the equivalent of check-in at Ellis Island?

1 comment:

  1. Looks like Abp. Dolan has swallowed the NPR line complete with hook and sinker.

    Or maybe he heard it at the Peter Favre meeting of ~15 months ago, when all sorts of dis-information was spread around.
