Monday, August 27, 2007

Age, law no barriers to breaking blockade

Cheri Mantz reports in our Catholic Herald on 87 year old Jesuit Father Bill Brennan's participation in the Pastors For Peace trip to Cuba.
"I’m going to go with the next caravan," said Fr. Brennan. "My goal is to have an ecumenical service at the tomb of Che Guevara. ..."

Update: A relic for the altar? The Associated Press reports Cuban Exile Plans to Auction Alleged Lock of Che Guevara's Hair.

(via Spirit of Vatican 2 Catholic Faith Community)


  1. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Apparently, Fr. Brennan's picture appears in the dictionary under the entry Useful Idiots.

  2. Given what we know about Che Guevara, the "ecumenical" service is likely to include Screwtape as a co-celebrant.

    Hope Fr. Bill enjoys the odor.
