Monday, June 18, 2007

The Prospects of Conservatism

No political leader, not Ronald Reagan, not FDR, not even Lloyd George or Churchill could hold together for very long the polyglot assemblage that has made up the Reagan Phenomenon since 1980. The disintegration of the Phenomenon -- and it is already under way -- will throw each of the highly disparate persuasions back upon its old resources, there to plot no doubt fresh alliances toward yet another coalition of victory under yet another charismatic politician if he can be found.
--Robert Nisbet, Conservatism: Dream and Reality (1986) p. 106


  1. ...and it may happen sooner than Nisbet thinks.

    But it won't be McCain, Rudy, Tommy!, or Hunter, or Paul.

    NOR Mitt.

  2. It can't be sooner than 21 years from when he wrote.
