Saturday, February 10, 2007

"What Would Bishop Henni Say?"

At MU Connections, the text of address delivered by Robert A. Wild, S.J., president of Marquette University, on January 30, 2007.
For my part, I have been particularly thinking about the person who started it all, the person who relentlessly pursued his dream of a Catholic college here in Milwaukee, indeed a college to be named for Jesuit explorer Jacques Marquette: Milwaukee’s first Bishop and later Archbishop, John Martin Henni. Let’s imagine him coming back here in 2007 and seeing the Marquette University of today. What would he say?

Let's then imagine him hearing this address. What would Bishop Henni say about "What Would Bishop Henni Say"? Perhaps that Father Wild tells us of Marquette as a college but not of how it is a Catholic college.

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