Tuesday, October 3, 2006

At 98, Maryknoll sister continues to serve

Amy Guckeen reports Special to your Catholic Herald. Maryknoll Sr. Antonia Maria Guerrieri reminiscences include this from her time at Marquette Medical School.
"Milwaukee is a beer town and the day prohibition was repealed, the companies were giving out free beer in the city auditorium that night," said Sr. Antonia, "and all of the male interns and residents wanted to go. I can’t drink anything like that, so they came and asked, 'Would you cover my floor today?' and I said, 'Sure.' It was a slow day, and before that evening ended, I covered the whole hospital and they all went and got their beers."

Someone who didn't drink free beer in Milwaukee when Prohibition was repealed was in the wrong place.
After a year at the hospital, Sr. Antonia joined the Maryknoll sisters and received her first assignment in 1939, a mission to China, where she remained until the Communist takeover in 1949.

She then went to Korea, then Taiwan, and eventually back to Maryknoll headquarters in New York.

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