Friday, September 29, 2006

The Evolving Nature of Roman Catholicism Toward Intimacy

Last week's St. Al's bulletin [5 pp. pdf] had this item, p. 3.
Voice Of The Faithful

You are invited to come and hear David F. Mannelli, D.Min, Psy.D. speak on My Church? Your Church? Our Church: The Evolving Nature of Roman Catholicism Toward Intimacy, on Sunday, October 1, at 1:30PM, at St. Alphonsus Parish.

Dr. Minnelli is among those listed by Allan L. Botkin, Psy.D. as trained in Induced After-Death Communication. Dr. Botkin's co-author provides further explanation.
I, Craig Hogan, on the other hand, have no doubt about the facts that consciousness survives death, people are One with each other, and love is the underlying force that pervades the Universe.

Dr. Hodan explains further at another web site on this Greater Reality.
A greater reality underlies and enfolds the material world that we see, hear, touch, smell, and taste. In the greater reality,

There is no time.

There is no space.

There is no death.

There is no separation.

So this could turn out to a seance.

Update: The flyer for the event describes it thus.

Jesus of the Gospel never shrank from entering into intimacy with persons encountered in his ministry. The bonds he formed created a unity only rivaled by the nature of the Trinity. What has happened in today’s Roman Catholicism? The lack of intimacy among the three traditional fonts of inspiration, i.e., the episcopacy, theologians and the sensum fidelis, has created a terrible vacuum wherein affirmation and acceptance are difficult to experience. Psychology has helped countless couples find intimacy. Can it advise the Church, our Church?

The way it advised the Church, our Church, on how to cure the priest pederasts?

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