Sunday, June 18, 2006

Lost in Translation

With the American bishops discussing the latest revisions to the Mass, Commonweal reran this article by John Wilkins reviewing the preceding decades of controversy.
But the CDW [Congregation for Divine Worship at the Vatican] was moving toward its knockout blow. On March 28, 2001, it published a new instruction on the use of the vernacular, titled Liturgiam authenticam (Authentic Liturgy), which overturned the entire basis on which ICEL’s [International Commission on English in the Liturgy's] work had rested for nearly forty years. And in July a supervisory committee of cardinals and bishops known as Vox clara (Clear Voice) was established to ensure that the Vatican would get exactly what it wanted. The English-speaking language group is the only one to have had such a committee imposed on it.

Indicating the problem was with the English-speaking language group and not with the Vatican.

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