Sunday, June 4, 2006

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall...

Fr. Paul Stanosz, pastor of St. James Church here in Franklin, had been blogging. This post was his comment on the closing of our Archdiocese's seminary as a stand-alone institution.
Were it not for the severe financial problems facing many dioceses, I think it likely some of them would be opening high school seminaries. Their establishment would fit with the "culture of death" narrative that is appealing to many Catholics (i.e. U.S. society is so decadent it must create seperatist institutions if Catholicism to renew itself).

An odd place for Fr. Stanosz to look for a "culture of death" narrative, given that his weblog is titled "Church in hospice".


  1. "...had been.." is correct.

    His blog is gone. Zip. Nada. History.

    Now that we know some PuzzlePalace types are viewing blogs, one wonders if Fr. S. was TOLD to dump the blogsite...

  2. If anyone wants to read it online, better look at the Google cached copy soon.
