Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Safe Passages

That's the title of this presentation on the Archdiocese of Milwaukee's web site.

After a brief description, it says

For more information, open the flyer below.

Open the flyer and you see the subtitle is "Sexuality and Adolescent Females."
Please join in the unique and beneficial opportunity for eighth grade girls and their mothers (or significant adult female caretakers) to talk about the transition from grade school to high school.

Presenter, Jane Foley
Advocate of the Sensitive Crimes Victims Services
Milwaukee District Attorney's Office

That might be a leading cultural indicator when the "transition from grade school to high school" means the DA's office briefing Catholic girls on avoiding being a sex crime victim.

1 comment:

  1. NRA can provide more practical help: How to Carry and Use a Deadly Weapon.
