The Prayer Gathering is sponsored by Catholics for Peace and Justice and The Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist.
There might have been at time when the cathedral parish's
endorsement of an event was a reason to be reassured the event was consistent with the teachings of the Church.
Following the gathering attendees are invited to join Peace Action Milwaukee for a peace walk from the Sunburst Sculpture at the Lakefront to the Courthouse and back. Peace Action invites us to bring flowers to lay on the steps of the courthouse.
So they'll start a couple of blocks from the county memorial to our war dead and walk a couple of blocks in the opposite direction and lay flowers at the federal courthouse.
The prayer gathering is part of a world wide effort to bring peace to Iraq.
Meaning a world wide effort of left-wing opposition to U.S. policy, aptly symbolized by the location of the flower ceremony.
Update: Photos by monte letourneau at Milwaukee Indymedia
I'd be interested to hear Terrence and Mike the Faithful Catholic's comments on the claim that US actions in Iraq are contrary to Catholic teaching and that the war was condemned as unjust by PJP II. I hear this all the time from left-wing Catholics (it's mentioned in about every edition of the Catholic Herald).
ReplyDeleteAlso does anybody out there have opinions on the liturgies at St. Roberts, Holy Family and St. Monica's? I'm currently a frustrated worshipper at Gesu and St. Sebs.
See "Arguably, a Just War" linked in my blog sidebar on one view of the application of just war teaching to the Iraq War.
ReplyDeletePope John Paul was, by all accounts, opposed to the war. As to whether he publicly called the war "unjust," that should be a simple matter of someone showing you a copy of the document or a transcript of what he said.
I don't have experience with any of the other parishes. St. Sebastian's pastor is my parish's former pastor. How's that working out over there?