Friday, June 24, 2005

Good news for them raises embarrassing questions for us

Joan Chittister, OSB, in her June 23, 2005 National Catholic Reporter column gives a lesson from history, as she remembers it.
Just one month after the adoption of women's suffrage in Kuwait, the government appointed its first woman minister. In 1990 only 15 percent of the population -- naturalized Muslim males -- were eligible to vote. Now in one show of hands the country went from 139,000 registered voters to 339,000 registered voters and a woman cabinet minister to boot.

That's good news. For them. But it raises some rather embarrassing questions for us.

You see, the problem is that they did it themselves. Before we were anywhere on the horizon they began to wrestle with the issue.

I, on the other hand, remember the U.S. coming over the Kuwaiti horizon to stay at just about that time. So perhaps the embarrassing question is Has Sister forgotten the Gulf War?


  1. "Forgetting Actual History" is the single most consistent hallmark of those who embrace the Liberal/Leftist creed.

  2. I'm grateful to Sr. Joan for inadvertently telling us, "see, anybody can be a columnist! You don't have to really know anything."
