Sunday, June 26, 2005

2005 Grassroots Survey of Democratic Leaders

I received a letter from Howard Dean (or Governor Howard Dean M.D., as he signs it) inviting me to join the Democratic National Committee (or D&C). All I need to do is fill out a survey and send a contribution.

Question 8 asks "Thinking about the issue of education, which of the following is your number one priority? Please select only one answer." Each of the three possible answers start with the words "Funding for..."

Question 11 asks "What is your opinion about a woman's right to a safe and legal abortion?" At least the question doesn't euphemistically say "the right to choose" though all three answers do. The third answer is "I oppose a woman right to choose." but I'd choose that answer only because she's killing her kid thereby.

Question 14 asks "What is your opinion about our environmental laws in America?" I wonder how much impact there'd be from selecting the question's third possible answer, "Our enviromental laws burden businesses and hurt our economy." since in his cover letter, Governor Howard Dean M.D. refers to "a senseless drive to drill for oil in the Arctic Refuge."

Wrapping up his letter, he says

I'm reaching out to local leaders like you, who are the strength and soul of the Democratic Party.

While a method of compiling its mailing list that puts me on it isn't a strength, it's good to know it believes in the soul and its importance in at least some context.


  1. "D&C"?

    Took me two reads to get that. But it's good--really good--and nasty. I LIKE nasty.

  2. Guess I picked the wrong week to give up subtlety.
