Sunday, May 1, 2005


That's the Blogger term for the subtitle of a weblog. Some blogs don't use it, I usually use it for a quote or tagline, such as:
The line between good and evil is drawn not between nations or parties, but through every human heart. –-Dostoevsky

You get what you pay for. Die Gedanken sind frei.

Can you prove that it didn't happen?
--Criswell 'Plan Nine from Outer Space'

in the years ahead Enron, not September 11, will come to be seen as the greater turning point in U.S. society.
--Paul Krugman

Paul, if you want to go fly airplanes, you're going to be all right.
--Enola Gay Tibbets

The shock of hearing a suicide-bomber's video testament delivered in a Yorkshire accent—hitherto more associated with cricket commentary than terrorism—spelled the end for multiculturalism.
--The Economist

anyone who can remember Santayana's maxim is condemned to repeat it.
--Walter Isaacson

You are not bound by any expert's opinion.
--Wisconsin Jury Instruction (Civil) 260

Sometimes, indeed, one encounters individuals for whom the universal eradication of something has very great value while its eradication in some particular cases has almost no value at all; individuals who care about people in the abstract while, apparently, not having much care for any particular people.
--Robert Nozick Anarchy, State, and Utopia (1974) p. 266 fn.

...equivocation is always the mother of error.
--Martin Luther

All things die--only words live
--George Jessel

Not consensus--that's no way to lead.
--Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland

Anytime you ask someone who doesn't know a lot about a thing himself if there is a hidden motive operating beneath the surface which might be detectable by the clever, though it be invisible to the naive, you are pretty clearly leading him in the direction of an affirmative answer.
--James Bowman The New Criterion, April 2006

Mr. Baris I'll hold you in irons if you don't shut up. --Captain James T. Kirk (William Shatner) to Federation Undersecretary for Agriculture Nilz Baris (William Schallert) from "The Trouble With Tribbles" Episode Number 44, Season 2, Original Airdate 12/29/1967, Stardate 4523.3, (October 2267), Teleplay by David Gerrold

I'm always afraid to say anything about God. What if there is a God?
--Howard Stern

A house divided against itself cannot stand.

As the Italians say, se non e vero, e ben trovato, English translation: 'Even if it's not true, it sure sounds good.'
--Archbishop Timothy Dolan

It's too laugh at your own jokes repressed Catholic for my tastes.

Personally, I like the University. They gave us money and facilities, we didn't have to produce anything. You've never been out of college. You don't know what it's like out there. I've worked in the private sector. They expect results.
--Dr. Raymond Stantz

In this struggle, I believe there are white men who are black and there are black, middle-class men who are white. I think I'm black.
--Fr. James Groppi, in "Left Wing Catholics" by Warren Hinckle, Ramparts, November 1967, p. 14, at p. 18

He [Pope John Paul II] felt that the Church had gone too far, and, basically, he was right.
--Archbishop Rembert G. Weakland, in The Education of an Archbishop (1992), by Paul Wilkes

... ignorance rarely prevents one from having a view, and I do have one.
--Kenneth Karst

If the younger generation ever profited by the experience of their elders, the progress made by the human race would surpass our wildest dreams and fondest hopes.
--Mortimer J. Adler

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