Tuesday, July 1, 2003

July 2003

This is a placeholder post linking to the page with this month's entries in the pre-Blogger format.

Topics: Kneel obstat. What's wrong with this sentence? Shawano, Wisconsin. Pilgrimage and pallium. Twelve great thinkers of our time. What Went Wrong? Manchester and Hampton Beach, New Hampshire, and Amesbury, Massachusetts. Do process. Shadow, dropshadow, glow. A pinch of Basil.

Thursday, July 31, 2003


Kneel obstat

The on-line edition of the July 24, 2003 issue of our archdiocesan weekly is up, including
this article.

New norms for the celebration of Mass, issued by the Vatican three years ago, will be implemented in the Milwaukee Archdiocese on Nov. 30, the first Sunday of Advent. ...

How will Catholics in the pew be affected by the changes? According to [Dean] Daniels, [director of the archdiocesan Office of Worship,] the most noticeable changes surround part of the Mass known as the Liturgy of the Eucharist. For example, beginning in November all Catholics will be asked to kneel throughout the Eucharistic Prayer instead of just at the consecration.

At my parish, the practice is to not kneel even at the consecration, so I don't expect any change.


Lift Up Your Hearts: Daily meditations by Pope John Paul II, translated by Carlos Alonso Vargas (1995)

... we need to remember that Jesus also instructed us to pray to God the Father "to give us this day our daily bread." Even though it is true that man does not live by bread alone, we see that it is also true that he lives on bread. Man's physical and material needs must be met, too.

--February 26, "Reaching Out to Those in Need," p. 60


Wednesday, July 30, 2003


The Excursion (1814) by William Wordsworth

So passed the time; yet to the nearest town

He duly went with what small overplus

His earnings might supply, and brought away

The book that most had tempted his desires

While at the stall he read. ...

--Book First, lines 244-248


Tuesday, July 29, 2003


What's wrong with this sentence?

The Mission Statement of the Franklin Public Schools:

The mission of the Franklin Public Schools, in active partnership with families and the community, is to educate our students to their highest level of academic and personal excellence and to become responsible and respectful citizens through an effective curriculum and learning experiences which focus on student needs.


Friday, July 25, 2003, Shawano, Wisconsin

Family vacation: tubing, sailing, barbecuing, beer, supper clubs; through Monday.

At the flea market at the Shawano County fairgrounds, one of the food vendors also served espresso.


Thursday, July 24, 2003


Pilgrimage and pallium

The on-line edition of the July 10, 2003 issue of our archdiocesan weekly is up, including
this article on the Archbishop's pilgrimage to Rome for the occasion of his receiving the pallium of his office.

The Herald also has this collection of articles on same.


Monday, July 21, 2003


Twelve great thinkers of our time

The current issue of the
New Statesman has an article on what it calls the 12 Great thinkers of our time. You'd have to pay to read the article, but here are the twelve: James Lovelock, E. O. Wilson, Martha Nussbaum, Li Hongzhi, Peter Singer, Noam Chomsky, Maulana Sayyid Abul-Ala Maududi, Jacques Derrida, Kate Millet, Jean Baudrillard, Antonio Negri and John Maynard Smith.

Thanks to a reader for pointing this out.


Sunday, July 20, 2003


A reader points out that you can't please everyone.

From Monday's Washington Post:

"New York Times Makes 'Collapsed Catholic' Its Top Editor" -- a press release from the Catholic League, citing a 2002 column by Keller that says, "I am what a friend calls a 'collapsed Catholic' -- well beyond lapsed."


Wednesday, July 16, 2003

Finished my Introduction to the 470 course at the Sailing Center and received my medium air centerboard boat rating.


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Tuesday, July 15, 2003

What Went Wrong?

An address by Fr. Paul Mankowski to the Confraternity of Catholic Clergy, which I have posted to this, the date it was presented.

The housewife who complained that Father skipped the Creed at mass and the housewife who complained that Father groped her son had remarkably similar experiences of:

- being made to feel that they themselves were somehow in the wrong;

- that they had impugned the honor of virtuous men;

- that their complaints were an unwelcome interruption of more important business;

- that the true situation was fully known to the chancery and completely under control;

- that the wider and more complete knowledge of higher ecclesiastics justified their apparent inaction;

- that to criticize the curate was to criticize the pastor was to criticize the regional vicar was to criticize the bishop;

- that to publicize one's dissatisfaction was to give scandal and
would positively harm discreet efforts at remedying the ills;

- that one's duty was to keep silence and trust that those officially charged with the pertinent responsibilities would execute them in their own time;

- that delayed correction of problems was sometimes necessary for the universal good of the Church.


Sunday, July 13, 2003, Manchester, New Hampshire to Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Didn't an issue of The New Yorker once contain more than one could read on a thousand mile airplane trip?


Saturday, July 12, 2003, Manchester, New Hampshire, and Amesbury, Massachusetts


Savage Inequalities (1991), by Jonathan Kozol

Nothing, in short, that the East St. Louis school board does within the context of its penury can benefit one interest in the city without damaging another.

--Chapter 1, "Life on the Mississippi," p. 38


Friday, July 11, 2003, Manchester, New Hampshire

If you're in Manchester, I recommend a visit to the Currier Museum of Art. No, it's not a museum of Currier and Ives prints. Items in the collection ranged from the tapesty A Visit from the Gypsies (1510) to Picasso's Woman Seated in a Chair (1941).


Thursday, July 10, 2003


Do process

The on-line edition of the June 26, 2003 issue of our archdiocesan weekly is up, including this article. The strategic planning process for the archdiocese is underway.

Specifically Archbishop Dolan wrote the following in his mandate for their work:

Identify and prioritize the strategic issues facing the Archdiocese of Milwaukee in the next three to five years and recommend the role of the central offices in supporting parishes and schools in addressing these issues.

Coordinate their work with the Parish Planning Commission headed by Bishop Sklba.

Engage in wide consultation with parish and school leaders, consultative bodies and advisory groups. The archbishop requested that a process be developed for consultation with the wider Catholic community, especially younger Catholics and families.

Examine archdiocesan structures, especially interaction of central offices, priest council and pastoral council.

Vague by secular standards, but clear for the Archdiocese.

Have the plan completed by Feb. 1, 2004.

Now that's clear by any standard.

This strategic planning was first mentioned toward the end of this May 8, 2003 article.


Monday, July 7, 2003

Shadow, dropshadow, glow

Bravenet provides a number of services helpful to webmasters, including some tips on HTML coding for those of us still doing pages "by hand." A couple examples in today's email newsletter are text effects like







Thursday, July 3, 2003


A pinch of Basil

This week's issue of our suburban weekly reports that,

District 4 Alderman Basil Ryan was charged with two counts of misdemeanor property damage Tuesday, stemming from claims that he destroyed trees on neighboring property with a bulldozer. ...

The investigation was turned over to the Brown Deer Police Department last summer to avoid claims of discrimination on the part of the Franklin Police Department because of Ryan's status as an alderman. ...

To no avail.

"There are some very unusual things that took place in what would otherwise have been a dispute between neighbors," Ryan's attorney Emmanuel] Mamalakis said. "People functioning on the public payroll acted quite out of line in what would normally happened."
--Franklln Hub, July 3, 2003, p. 14

That last sentence would also serve to summarize complaints about Alderman Ryan.

My Franklin is a new community on-line newsletter.


Tuesday, July 1, 2003


Finished my Intermediate course at the Sailing Center and received my medium air keelboat rating.


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